To Balance and Align Your Body Structure
Structural Integration / Hellerwork / Rolfing is rooted in the idea of re-aligning our center of gravity so that we apply our energetic resources efficiently, subject ourselves to the least amount of wear and tear, and experience the greatest possible freedom of movement. It is a form of deep tissue bodywork where the focus is on reorganization as well as release, thereby facilitating long-lasting change. Often this work is done as a planned series of sessions that work into all of the primary musculoskeletal elements.
I gained certification in 1983 with Joseph Heller, the first president of the Rolf Institute and closest associate to Ida Rolf, founder of Rolfing. As the most experienced teacher of the Rolfing style of deep tissue bodywork, he transmitted Ida Rolf’s teachings, his own vast experience as well as his training and association with other groundbreaking teachers such as Virginia Satir, Gregory Bateson, John Thie, and many others from the foundation of the human potential movement. This training was my initiation into a 40+ year exploration of bodywork therapies and has always provided me with a solid foundation.
You can expect:
- improved postural alignment
- fuller and easier breathing
- increased length and ease in the body
- freedom from chronic pain and injuries
- enhanced flexibility in movement
- reduced stress and tension
- expanded energy, vitality & aliveness
- graceful aging
Blog Posts on Structural Integration Issues
Anatomy Trains / Tom Meyers
International Fasciae Research Conference
How Structural Integration Works:
Sheets of fascia, which look like “Saran Wrap”, surround all muscles and muscle groups. (This is the white “marbling” you see in beef) Slowly applied pressure melts adhesions between these sheets, re-creating the ability for them to glide over each other. By working towards the centerline of each body segment the muscle groups can reorganize and set to a more efficient relationship. By always working locally with a global perspective, the body can be coaxed to better posture and greater efficiency with easier movement, which is experienced as fluidity and physical freedom.